is a company duly registered under Companies Act, 1956 with the main object of manufacturing, trading and servicing of electronic test and measuring instruments.
Novel Instruments was incorporated in 2012, to assist the scientific, technical and business community in providing total solutions and reducing costs associated with research and development in the fields of Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial systems and IT solutions. The goal of Novel Instruments is to recommend appropriate solutions to its customers that result in cost reduction and improved quality.
With our innovative ideas, wide coverage, competence and revolutionary ventures as our capital, Novel Instruments contributes to the demanding needs of customers related to scientific, technical and business community.
The driving force behind Novel Instruments leading-edge technology solutions is its distinctive culture. This culture fosters innovation, quality and can-do-it attitude across all disciplines. Novel Instruments motivates its young team to challenge the rules of engineering regularly and professionally to be in the forefront of technology.
Novel Instruments already have been proved its services in engineering and technical lab Instruments, Industrial systems, Energy systems and IT domains.
NIPL commenced operations by trading the digital electronic products like Operational Amplifiers, General Purpose Development System, Power & Industrial Electronics, Communication Engineering, Fiber Optic Trainers and Control System Trainers.
NIPL also provides onsite service and scope extends to
At present the company is managed by 2 directors. The profiles of directors are as follows:
Surapaneni Vinay Sekhar:
Mr. Surapaneni Vinay Sekhar, is Graduate in Bachelor of Pharmaceuticals. He is having 7 years of experience in trading business and construction. He looks after financial functions in the company.
Dhanekula Bharath Kumar:
Mr. Dhanekula.Bharath Kumar, is a Post Graduate in Master of Business Administration. He is the Director of the Company. He has 8 years experience in the line of activity. He has the ability to run/maintain the company in a profitable manner and he will take the responsibility of handling day to day affairs of the company.